
Some of you have noticed that Mindful Dose looks very different these days.

Mindful Dose was a concept that was initially created after I developed and maintained a meditation practice. I noticed that any effort I made to remain present moment by moment led me to have a more intimate relationship with life. Ultimately, I knew I was responsible for my life in all ways and I encouraged myself to heal from the nervous system out. Brain health was a big motivation for me when I first started Mindful Dose.

It wasn’t until after my best friend passed away from brain cancer that I remembered the roots of Mindful Dose and how intimate it was for me to heal my nervous system. This electric and magical system within our bodies holds so much energy that needs to be tamed and redirected at the appropriate levels in order for us to survive this game of life. Through practice, life experience, and knowledge, I regained my connection to the tangible experience of life. Grounding myself through breathwork, playing into my intuition outlets, and being a good friend to those I meet.

A dear friend of mine created this new logo of a human face with butterflies outlined beside it. The butterfly symbolizes transformation, breaking through the darkness and into the light. While I love all spiritual topics, I am a firm believer that before you can get spiritual, you have to be grounded… You have to be mindful.

#mindfuldose #alittlepeaceofmind

Everything you do is magic.

Have you ever reflected on your life and thought, “Wow, if this one thing did not happen, where would I be in my life now?”. One choice we make can steer our life in a whole new direction, without us realizing the impact until further down the road.

But it’s not just one choice in a series of events that make life magical, it’s every choice. Behind every action we take, there is a reaction - that’s just one simple way we can describe how the world around us works. The intention we place within our decisions is significant to the results of that decision. When we truly believe our actions, then do we see the magic behind every decision and choice we have ever made.

Think of your intention (whether you are aware of it or not) as a seed. The soil and water that nurtures this seed is the universe supplying your intention with the opportunity to grow. In other words, the effect you have behind a truly intentional action will be supported by the energies around you.

A few ways you can practice mindful intention are:

  • praying

  • writing a gratitude journal

  • listening to understand, then to be understood

  • creating and repeating an affirmation

The key is to believe in what you are doing wholeheartedly. Stick to the practice and soon you will realize that everything you do is magic.

Developing my meditation practice.

It all began in college when I was slowly crashing from my attempt at trying to balance a full time job, school schedule, and also maintain a social life! I was ambitious for a very long time, but I was so blind to what I was actually doing to myself, which was living in a type of schedule that only led to burn out.

The cherry on top of my crash and burn was an inconvenient break up lol. You know the kind that’s through text in the middle of your work day? Yeah, that kind. At the time, I had no knowledge to handle the weight of a breakup, the stress of finals, the demands of work, and keeping up with my friends.


I searched for ways to better regulate my emotions because I found myself so isolated and easily triggered. Eventually, I discovered the art of emotional intelligence (Emotional IQ), which is the ability to specifically identify your emotional state and respond objectively. Of course, it can be much more complicated than that, but I realized that what I was lacking was the ability to ID my feelings and respond without my ego attached to them! As I read more about Emotional IQ, I learned that the best way to build that skill is to practice mindfulness meditation.

Parking lot meditations

And so for an entire summer semester, I drove my little Toyota to the near-empty university parking lot and meditate for 10 minutes before class. I’d repeat the practice again after class, in the same parking spot, to total my daily meditation time to 20 minutes. I kept at it for 4 full weeks and slowly but surely, I felt the space I had needed for so long.

The space between fight or flight and response.

It was an incredible experiment that inspired the beginning of a lifetime practice. Only a few months after I began my meditation practice, did I hit rock bottom again.

Before things get better, they get worse right? Well, I eventually quit my 9-5 job after years of living under that financial security and interned at a film studio for only $20 a day. I was taking my final few classes at the university and training to be a yoga teacher at the same time. For the first time, I was actually enjoying my schedule and everything that came along with it. I was healing from the breakup, and rebuilding my strength as an emotionally conscious individual.

But then shit hit the fan in my personal life. There was a family dilemma that caused so much heartbreak for me. I remember my lowest moments feeling almost nothing. I was simply drifting from one moment to the next, letting the tides take me deeper into the ocean of sorrow. I could not find any emotion in my lexicon to describe the pain I was going through but I knew I could get through the difficult chapter I was in. I just knew it because I had done so recently in the past.

Only this time, the challenge was so much more difficult and prominent in my daily life.

Meditation wasn’t always enlightening

Sometimes it felt like an obstacle of its own. Last in first out, right? There were certainly times when I doubted the practice, I doubted the benefits of giving myself space to breathe, and I doubted the art of emotional IQ. Thankfully, I was surrounded by nurtured relationships that reminded me of who I was and what I was capable of.

So I kept on meditating whenever I could, wherever I could, however I could! Sometimes a breathing technique was all I could manage rather than a formal practice. No matter how it was achieved, I made sure to make meditation fit into my life.

Eventually, the hardest chapter of my life came to a close and I came through to the other side lighter than I did walking in.

I graduated college, I found a job in the industry I loved, and I became a certified yoga teacher. Eventually, it all came together through the thread of mindfulness.

Mindful Dose

Any moment you can be aware, without any attachment, is a moment that counts towards your peace, your light, and your happiness.

Making it Fit

Disasters may well change us deeply, but they will pass. We must keep to our deeper connections and remember our goals. Whether we remain ash or become the phoenix is up to us. - unknown

No Mud, No Lotus: Retrogrades of 2020

Whether you follow your horoscopes or not, there is a good chance you have come across the term ‘retrograde’. This blog will answer some frequently asked questions about what the word represents, the astrology behind it, and the questions about the 2020 retrograde season.

What does it really mean?

In astrology, retrograde is when a planet in the Earth sky appears to be ‘moving backwards’ in its orbit. That’s right, planets do not actually reverse their direction. The planets are actually changing speeds at a point in their orbit resulting in an appearance of backward movement from the perspective here on Earth. “In short terms, retrograde motion is an illusory side-effect of planetary proximity.” A common example used to describe retrograde in its fashion is when you are riding a train and suddenly your vehicle speeds up, making it appear that the vehicle in the lane next to you is slowing down. Once you’ve hit your cruise speed, it would appear that the vehicle next to you is accelerating once again.

What is their purpose?

Why does it cause havoc?

“No mud, no lotus.” Imagine if nothing in life got in your way and there was no set back to your plans. The feelings and nuances of growth we normally experience would not make it . Okay, maybe that’s too much, but during an intense retrograde line-up, we find ourselves wanting to proceed with ideas and motivation to grow and expand, but having to take a few steps back in our process before we can move forward with our goals. In that space, retrograde cycles encourage rest and slower movements. When we slow down, we connect to the magic that the universe is and watch it unfold alongside our participation.

A retrograde can bring up a trend of scenarios that play out according to the theme of the planet and the zodiac sign it is traveling through. Some planets have faster orbits than others, and therefore we frequent those retrograde cycles in shorter intervals. The outer planets that move slower have retrograde cycles for almost half of a year, annually!

A lotus seed planted in the deep, dark depths of a pond, will grow root in the mud and grow through the murky pond water, producing a beautiful lotus flower that sits right above the pond. The symbolism connects to the struggles a human growing from the unknown to enlightenment. Retrograde cycles are here to nurture our growth and to sharpen our skills.

The key to understanding how to move through retrogrades is understanding time. Moving with time, taking moment by moment as is, with an undeniably present attitude. This can strengthen the mindset needed to maneuver through retrograde cycles. Especially in this time of 2020, where all the outer planets will be retrograde at the same time in all Earth signs. And if that isn’t perplexing enough, 4 out of 5 of those Earth retrogrades are in the sign of Capricorn! This synchronicity of it all is a rare occurrence and we can relate to it on an Earthly level. No one of any age has ever experienced an advanced technologic society with a blanket of pandemic over them.


Ultimately, you will live your life according to what is best for your safety, sanity, and health. This blog post is simply a guideline for when you feel called to use it for reference to astrology’s retrogrades. In no way shape or form, is this blog intended for a source of legal direction in any case.

Astrologically, how a retrograde will effect you personally depends on your natal chart in comparison to the transit of the current sky intended upon. The intensity of the retrograde depends on your natal chart of the planet and zodiac sign. In yoga it is called “the middle path”.

Planet Retrogrades of 2020

Mercury: planet of communication and travel

You can expect technological gadgets going haywire, that includes car batteries, laptops, software, and more. Being the messenger planet, we can expect travel to be delayed or packages getting lost during transit. Our correspondence will experience difficulties either in receiving or understanding. Decisions to avoid include signing contracts, starting a venture that involves investment, launching something new, having lunch by your laptop (don’t do it — that coffee spill will suck to deal with!). Because this planet retrogrades so frequent, it’s not as ‘life-changing’ unless it’s making a crucial aspect to your natal chart. In which case you’ll need the help of an astrologer to help you decipher what it means to you.

mercury retrogrades 3 times in one calendar year for 3 weeks at a time

Feb 16 - Mar 9 Retrogrades in Pisces moving back into Aquarius

Jun 18 - Jul 12 Retrogrades in Cancer

Oct 13 - Nov 3 Retrogrades in Scorpio moving back into Libra

Pluto: planet of deep transformation

You can expect to face your fears with the challenge of rising up from the ashes into a phoenix. You will explore lessons that will promote a degeneration of the old you, and explore the generation of a new you. Pluto is in Capricorn until 2024 and we can expect to see governments and leaders transform their ‘agenda’ and leadership approaches. An example of that is since 2016 the U.S. have come to know what it is like to have a reality TV star as Chief of Officer. 2020 in particular we will see the transformative effect of Pluto as it aligns perfectly in orb with the planet of Jupiter, the planet of expansion. When two planets are in orb (conjunction), the energy of both planets are potent and work together to magnify their potential and effect.

Pluto retrogrades once a year for 5-6 months

April 25 - Oct 4 Retrogrades in the sign of Capricorn

Saturn: planet of discipline, process, and boundaries

You can expect friction where your career is considered, routine structures, and discipline problems with your children. Every so often we are required by this planet to put our authority and orchestration into check and make sure that our dictations align with the movement of our goals. Personal boundaries weaken and its easy to let go of your sight and intuition. It’s a good time to complete unfinished projects and to revisit contracts. Moving back to humble beginnings. Starting a business is not bad, but legally incorporating is not ideal. During a Saturn retrograde you can see the edits and revisions needed a little clearer, thus encouraging a healthy edit to an old vision.

Saturn retrogrades once a year for about 5 months

May 11 - Sept 29 Retrogrades Aquarius back into Capricorn (mostly retrogrades in Capricorn)

Venus: planet of love, possessions, and beauty

You can expect to feel friction in partnerships and experience challenges with money, as Venus also rules Taurus, the realm of material things. Things to avoid include marrying, drastic vanity changes, such as dying your hair a new color or elective cosmetic surgery. It is also not the best time to make big decisions with a partner (romantic or business). Hold off on any merging of any sorts.

Venus retrogrades every 18 months; lasts about a month and a half

May 13 - June 25 Retrogrades in Gemini

Jupiter: planet of expansion, growth and luck

You can expect any luck-induced activity to not be so lucky, such as gambling. It’s not the time to wave your free-spirit flag, instead it is ideal to re-read old books on your shelf or kindle. This is the good time to do your due diligence so that when the planet moves forward, your expansion is seamless. Refreshing your knowledge on a topic is a healthy way to grow and stay humble. Jupiter is currently in the sign of Capricorn, which is not its favorite zodiac sign to travel through. Capricorn is more of an inhibitor than it is an encourager. In 2020, Jupiter aligns perfectly with the planet Pluto (transformation, death, and rebirth) in the sign of Capricorn. As a collective we can experience an expansion of transformation in the area of government and leadership. The last time this alignment occurred was in the early 20th century.

Jupiter retrogrades once a year for 4 months

May 14 - Sept 12 Retrogrades in Capricorn

Neptune: planet of spirituality and special talents

You can expect to feel the desire to retreat into meditation practices and isolation; that kind of ‘alone/self-care’. If we are willing to accept the reality of our world, Neptune in retrograde will support the intention of acceptance. Neptune is currently in the sign of Pisces, its home sign, until 2025. Empathy and compassion are the lessons to learn to help heal our soul and evolve as spiritual beings. It kind of sounds very new-age, I know, but spirituality is a large component to our existence. Meditation has its own planet. Think about that! Also, this is a generational type of planet.

Neptune retrogrades once a year for 5 months

June 22 - Nov 28 Retrogrades in Pisces

Uranus: planet of rebellion and surprises

You can expect to experience moments that shake up your routine. This planet is known to be the unpredictable one of the solar system. Its axial position is pretty much planet RBF. It takes about 7 years to move through 1 zodiac sign, so the effect of this planet hits generationally. Currently in the sign of Taurus until 2025 also, the zodiac sign where it kinda struggles in. Taurus enjoys stability and familiarization but Uranus however, produces elements of surprise in all

Uranus retrogrades once a year for 5 months

Aug 15 - Jan 14 (2021) Retrogrades in Taurus

Mars: planet of war and ego

You can expect to face challenges with your identity and to explore new avenues of channeling your inner peace during times of intense frustration. Great time to explore conflict resolutions. In 2020, Mars will retrograde in its home sign of Aries. The identity of “me” will play out. If your Ascendant sign, Sun sign, or Mars sign is in Aries or Libra, you can expect to feel the effect of this retrograde a little more personal. The key during this retrograde is to explore healthy ways to process emotion, especially anger.

Mars retrogrades every 2 years for 2 months

Sep 9 - Nov 13 Retrogrades in Aries